Thursday, December 28, 2006

What is Frum? a definition

This is basically a repeat of the last post from the original hocker blog. As I said there, it is only a partial statement of my view on frummness, but here I modified and shortened it even more.

I believe that being frum is, in it's essence, trying to do the will of God in this world. Thereby every action should become to further that goal. This means that, since His primary command was to learn Torah and do mitzvos, any time that can be spent doing them... should be. Additionally, any time that really needs to be spent in support of that goal, classicly: working to attain living wage, should be done but is not a goal of its own.

The problem that has arisen is that people have so often brought their cultural baggage into the equation that they misconstruct His will. I don't claim to know what His full plan is, but I wouldn't claim to know it, nor would I coin a term for it, scavange for sources from a similar idea, then pass it of as Emes for all to do.

What is the point of Torah U'madda?

How is it meant for the furtherence of His will? Perhaps it may be a goal of some intellectual indiviuals who would like to study things, but had a napoleonic complex and needed to defend it. Even if there are some who do really intend something spiritually pure... they number so few it wouldn't warrant an entire undergraduate school around it (let's face it, almost all of the Graduate programs are not Jewish - where did that idea come from? but that's for a later time) .

The direction our school seems to be taking looks too much like madda for madda's own sake. That wouldn't be frum.


Jonathan Noble said...

Some bloggers are just middle-aged men sitting in their pagamas in their mothers' basement sounding off in an unsophisticated way.

There are other bloggers who offer trenchant observations, don't talk unless they can back it up, and encourage respectful discussion.

My hope is that you're a type-B blogger. Always try to back it up. Give some examples of YU acting "Not Frum". Convince me with a reasoned arguement, not with a shrill cry.

Jonathan Noble said...

Hey, don't be a wimp, let the comments appear on the page! What are you afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Dear Yosheiv Ohel/Choveiv Am/Arthur Scroll,

Clearly, you have no idea what you are doing. Blogs are meant to be democratic. Let us comment how we please without screening, NOW

Anonymous said...

Be a man, let us comment!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Let the people be heard!!!!!

Anonymous said...

When I find out who you are, I'll leave comments all over your door (in spraypaint)!!!

Chovev Am said...

The purpose of the screening was to prevent the Lashon Horah and constant unrestrained bashing of eachother that happened with my predecesor. As a general rule all comments will be published unless it is likely to lead to worse results.

Chovev Am said...

oh, and pajamas is spelled with a "j", sir.

Anonymous said...

And classicly is spelled classically. Let's not try and play charades here...